Rick Holt

About Me
Bringing Beauty to Walls

It's easy to simply think of walls as a structural component of your home. But consider how vast they are and how much time you spend looking at them. Don't they deserve to be beautiful? Painters think so, and we do, too. That's why we created this website. We really want to spread the word about the beauty that a fresh coat of paint or a new layer of wallpaper can bring to a room, and we figured this would be a great way to do it. As you are reading the various articles on this site, try to think about your own space and how it might look with a new coat of paint.


Color It Spring: Fun And Fresh Paint Colors To Spruce Up Your Home

28 March 2023
 Categories: , Blog

If you have been thinking about contacting a paint company to repaint your home's interior, spring is the perfect time to do so. It is also a good time to try a new paint color that exudes thoughts of a new season and fresh beginnings. With all the spring paint colors available, you are sure to find one that is a good fit for your home and design style. Peachy beige and pinky taupe Read More …

Tips On Painting Your Home’s Exterior

6 February 2023
 Categories: , Blog

One way you can improve your home's aesthetics is by adding a fresh coat of paint to your home's exterior. A good exterior paint job will prolong the longevity of your siding and trim, and boost the value of your home. Here are tips you should consider when painting your home's exterior. Pay Attention to the Weather Before you start a painting project, ensure you consider the weather conditions. You shouldn't paint in direct sunlight. Read More …

Should You Have Commercial Painting Contractors Paint Your Building?

9 December 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Is the interior or exterior of your building in need of painting? Do you want to give your building a makeover but you aren't sure where to start? Hiring commercial painting contractors to work on your building will allow you to get the most out of your business and make your commercial building more appealing. Should you have commercial painting contractors paint your building? Absolutely, and here are reasons why. Read More …

Top 3 Reasons You Should Repaint Your Commercial Building

21 October 2022
 Categories: , Blog

The exterior of a building is the first thing a customer notices. With this in mind, an attractive paint coating can do wonders for your business building by making it impressive and inviting.  More importantly, your customers consider the structure's aesthetics to determine if you value your image. With this in mind, repainting your commercial building exterior comes with great impact. Below are the top three reasons you should do it. Read More …

Schedule Exterior Painting with Your Climate in Mind

6 September 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Hiring contractors to paint your home's exterior has a lot to do with timing. Suppose you're eager to paint your home but have been holding back due to concerns over the weather. In that case, you'll need to consider many factors before moving forward with the project. Instead of experiencing any problems associated with the weather, consider the following and how it affects when would be the ideal time to schedule painting. Read More …