Schedule Exterior Painting with Your Climate in Mind

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Bringing Beauty to Walls

It's easy to simply think of walls as a structural component of your home. But consider how vast they are and how much time you spend looking at them. Don't they deserve to be beautiful? Painters think so, and we do, too. That's why we created this website. We really want to spread the word about the beauty that a fresh coat of paint or a new layer of wallpaper can bring to a room, and we figured this would be a great way to do it. As you are reading the various articles on this site, try to think about your own space and how it might look with a new coat of paint.


Schedule Exterior Painting with Your Climate in Mind

6 September 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Hiring contractors to paint your home's exterior has a lot to do with timing. Suppose you're eager to paint your home but have been holding back due to concerns over the weather. In that case, you'll need to consider many factors before moving forward with the project.

Instead of experiencing any problems associated with the weather, consider the following and how it affects when would be the ideal time to schedule painting.

Plan for Temperature Changes

Checking the typical temperature range during the month you want the painting done can give some valuable insight. Not only will you better understand when exactly to schedule painting, but it can also help you understand how long it will take for painting to be done.

The temperature during both daylight hours and nighttime must be warm enough to not negatively affect the paint. Discussing the ideal temperature you need for painting your home can help you choose the correct dates for when you want the painting done.

Prepare for Unexpected Weather

If you intend to paint your home once the temperature drops this fall or next spring, you'll need to be realistic about the weather. A sudden downpour of rain or even a light dusting of snow can cause problems for the project. From delaying when the painting is done to issues related to how fast the paint dries, you'll need to make accommodations in case the weather is unfavorable.

Avoid paying a fee for rescheduling by checking with the contractor about their policies for unexpected weather. By discussing the fees involved with rescheduling, you won't run into a situation where painting will be delayed or where you will experience price changes related to the project.  

Understand Price Fluctuations

Feeling good about the expense of painting your home can be easier when you understand how prices can change throughout the year. When the painting contractor is the busiest, they will likely charge the highest prices. Finding a good balance between when the prices are fair and when you would like to schedule the painting process can ensure that you're not overpaying due to timing.

When you intend to paint your home's exterior soon, you don't want to run into issues where the weather interferes. Before you schedule for painting to be done, the above tips can help you discover issues you may not have considered associated with exterior painting. Being realistic about pricing and when you want the project to be completed can help you navigate scheduling and get a good job done.